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26 Indonesian warship (KRI) Celebrate Sail Komodo 2013 in Labuan Bajo

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26 Ships of the Republic of Indonesia ( KRI ) is involved in the parade and Sailing Pass , as well as attractions Helly Water Jump by soldiers of the Navy Forces unit Frogs ( Satkopaska ) eastern Indonesian Fleet Command ( Koarmatim ) enlivened the top event " Sail Komodo 2013 " Pede Beach, Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT ), Saturday ( 14/09/2013 ).
The event witnessed the President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia Cabinet Ministers, Armed Forces Commander Gen Moeldoko, National Police Chief Gen Timur Pradopo, including three Chief of Staff of the Navy Chief Admiral Dr. Marsetio, NTT Governor Frans Lebu Raya and ranks FKPD NTT, the Chairman of the Indigenous Community Leaders Labuan Bajo, and other invitees.
In addition to the parade and Sailing Pass the ranks of the Navy warship, the top event also celebrated attractions Free Fall parachuting from 14 jumpers Navy Marine Corps who landed on the point of droping zone twice the size of two meters on the shoreline Pede.
Which attracted the attention of the invitation are the last two parachutists carrying banners Sail Komodo 2013 and the flag . The fourteen jumpers can be landed with the right point droping a predetermined zone.
Sail Komodo 2013 is an international event that aims to boost the regional economy, especially through marine tourism sector. This event is a momentum to promote marine tourism in the country become the world 's premier tourist destinations with the theme, " Sail Komodo 2013 : Towards a Golden Bridge to East Nusa Tenggara Tourism World Top Destinations." It is also the government's commitment to make the Nusa Tenggara Timur ( NTT ) became one of the world's premier tourist destinations. event started with the implementation of internationally Sail Bunaken 2009, Sail Banda 2010, Sail Wakatobi - Belitong 2011, and Sail Morotai 2012.
The event begins with a siren keystrokes by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who was accompanied Menkokesra HR Agung and Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Soetardjo, as a sign of the peak event of Sail Komodo 2013 that later accompanied by all the elements stand gauk boat parade.
During the event, attendees were treated to cultural performances of West Manggarai on the legend of dragons that were built under the Directorate of Culture and Movie Kemendikbud and Enchantment Parade Flobamora Arts and Culture (Flores, Sumba, Timor, and Alor) presented by Ivan Nestor Studio .
The event was attended by 3,600 invitation, also served formations KRI Sailing Pass and KRI Parade, attractions Helly Water Jump from Helly HU 415 and HU 419 from 400 Squadron Air Force Frogs Puspenerbal carrying 21 feet in height with a speed of 15 knots .
After parachuting attraction performed by Navy Marines continued with Yacht Rally that followed participants from 20 friendly countries, the activities end with Paramotor aktrasi Aero Sport .
In addition to the ship from the Navy, two foreign warships participating hajad the main event for the Year, which is a unit of Republic Of Singapore Ship Navy (RSN) Landing Platform Dock type (LPD) endevour called RSN - 210 , and one unit of warships Navy hospital named China People Liberation Army Navy (PLA Navy).
Sailing boats on parade and the Pass followed several ships of Hubla, Lipi, Polair CTF, Ministry of Forestry, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Organization of an international event Sail Komodo 2013 conducted by the government for the implementation of development and welfare of the people in a sustainable manner. This activity can be used as a model Sail accelerated development of the islands and remote areas. In addition, activities Sail Komodo 2013 is highly effective for promoting NTT and the surrounding region as a national and international tourist destination, especially Komodo National Park is one of the world heritage site of UNESCO World established on December 19, 1991. Sail through this event can be used as a medium to strengthen the glory of Indonesia as a maritime nation.

Last changed: Mon Sep 16, 2013 at 4:42 pm

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