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7 Countries Participating In Toraja International Festival

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7 Negara Berpartisipasi Dalam Toraja International FestivalSeven countries took part in the International Festival Toraja, Toraja in South Sulawesi. The festival aims to promote Tana Toraja as a leading tourist destination in Indonesia.

Toraja International Festival opening ceremony was conducted in the tourist area of ​​Kete Kesu, Rantepao City, North Toraja, Saturday ( 29/12/2013 ). The opening ceremony was attended by thousands of people of Toraja and domestic and foreign tourists.

Pagelu typical Toraja reception or dance, became one of the art featured in the opening ceremony of the festival. Another typical Toraja art featured in the opening ceremony include Toraja Choir, Karombi, and Manimbong.

Country artists from Kazakhstan, Aigul Ulkenbayeva, also appeared to enliven the opening ceremony Toraja International Festival. Traditional two-stringed guitar played Aigul, able to amaze the audience in attendance at the opening ceremony.

Opening Toraja International Festival ended with the staging of Indonesian National Orchestra musicians or leaders INO Franky Raden. This orchestra is unique because it combines various types of traditional musical instruments from several regions in Indonesia.

Toraja International Festival was held for three days from December 28 to December 30, in two cities, North Toraja Rantepao and Tana Toraja Makale city. In addition to the typical Toraja art performances, the festival is also held international ethnic music performances, seminars Toraja culture and tourism , as well as photography workshops.

Toraja International Festival is scheduled to become an annual tourism agenda .

" We hope the festival is held for the first time can go on and held every year in Toraja, " said Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Marie Elka Pangestu.

In addition to introducing various art Toraja culture , the festival also aims to make the Toraja as a leading area of tourism in Indonesia with characteristic megalithic culture of hundreds of years old.

Last changed: Mon Dec 30, 2013 at 10:20 am

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