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Aircraft Nazi Germany Has Stopped in Bali 1938

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Famous swiss artist, Theo Meier, taking photos plane bearing Nazi swastika, with some Balinese girls between the dates of January 7 to 15, 1938. The photos were published in the book Theo Meier: A Swiss Artist Under the Tropics work of Didier Hamel. How the historical context behind the photo and why the aircraft did fly long distances?

According to Mark Winkel in Bali Expat, 20 June-3 July 2012, after comparing the shape of aircraft (mainly form the cockpit canopy and tail fin plane unusual) with all known aircraft in the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), which prior to 1939 was the best civil and post-1939 into military aircraft, but has the same sign, including a swastika on the tail steering clear that the plane was not a fighter because it is too small and no weapons on it.

This aircraft is the second prototype of Arado 79. Created by two sports coaches flew in 1937, which flew from Germany to Sydney, Australia through the Dutch East Indies.

"The picture was probably taken between 7 to 15 January 1938 and the women in the photograph was probably about 75-80 years old now," wrote Winkel.

Germany and other developed countries use technological advances (some of them are driven by World War I) 1920 to demonstrate their ability and prowess.

Interestingly, cost is very competitive industry; countries such as Italy, France, Britain, and the United States are trying to show off their best advantage. So, in the 1930s it seems a lot of competition flying to measure the height and distance records.

Germany is also proud of its industrial engineering capabilities and a few dozen flight designers try to make the best plane.

Of course, the work was changed to "sport" but in fact the Nazi push to develop it into military hardware.

Arado company has had success with a light aircraft. Interest of people to fly and the market has prompted the company to build a training aircraft to generate more pilots and sports activities.

Build military planes will come later however, the Treaty of Versailles prevented Germany to develop military air force, but there is no problem with civil aircraft.

On the advice of a person, firm Arado create the next generation aircraft that can record distance (previously, Arado aircraft has set a height and other records). Arado 79 is the plane.

There is a registration number on the fuselage. "Examining the numbering system used," Winkel wrote, "I find that all German aircraft beregistrasi 'D' (for Deutschland, or Germany) followed by a four-letter code."

The aircraft code D-EHCR listed as the second prototype Arado 79, in which the total production amounted to 49 aircraft since it began in 1938. The first prototype (Arado 79A V1 with code D-EKCX) is also interesting because it participates in a variety of sporting events to fly long distances, and win.

Success is encouraging manufacturers to try the Sydney-Berlin-Brandenberg with a view to showing that the firm Arado as a producer or at least the best designers. With a single engine and two seats, Arado 79A has a flying range of about 1000 km.

To mengungkinkan D-EHCR record Berlin-Sydney trip equipped with external fuel tanks. These generally pass through the Axis or neutral countries, including Thailand.

"The plane seems to have flown to Medan, Batavia and Surabaya before landing in Bali and maybe that photo was taken in Buleleng," wrote Winkel.

After reaching Sydney, pilots back through Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Balikpapan before returning to Surabaya and then back to Bangkok. Nahas, Pulkowski pilot died on February 10, 1938 when a demonstration aircraft in India.

Last changed: Fri Apr 17, 2015 at 8:38 pm

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