Australia's New Defense Strategy upper Indonesia |
Posted by Made Kamayasa on Sat May 04, 2013 |
Australia today published "Defence White Paper 2013," which is a long-term strategy of the defense and security of the country for the next few years. One of Australia's defense interests priority is to maintain good relations with Indonesia.
Thus one of the main points in the 2013 Defence White Paper, which was officially announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Defence Minister Stephen Smith.
In addition to identifying the interests of defense and national security, the White Paper also outlines Australia's approach to the neighboring countries and in dealing with international issues.
According to the White Paper, Southeast Asia and East Asia populated countries now constitute a significant powers regional level. This includes China, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea. In the two regions is now under way some tension, ie on the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait, the East China Sea, and South China Sea.
"The tension in these areas has the potential to destabilize regional security because at times can be a risk of miscalculation or a minor incident that could aggravate the situation," according to excerpts the White Book.
For Australia, the region to the north was a strategic geography. So, to stifle any threat in the region is vital and very important in the face of defeat any attack on Australian soil. The region is also considered vital for seven of Australia's top ten trading partners, namely China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, and Singapore.
Indonesia, in the White Paper, is also considered vital to the security of Australia because it is a neighbor who control most of the islands in the north that were located closest to the land of kangaroos.
Then, "Australia's strong partnership with Indonesia remains the most important regional strategic relationship for us and it's increasingly close partnership and continue to expand in support of the common good," wrote the White Book.Therefore the Australian government will develop some options to expand maritime programs, anti-terrorism, peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief cooperation with Indonesia, including through the expansion of bilateral training programs and increase the frequency and scope of personnel exchanges and unit.
According to the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, the Defence White Paper 2013-fill each with the National Security Strategy, which was launched on January 23, 2013, and The White Australia in the Asian Century, which was launched on October 28, 2012.
The third document is a statement that the Government placed priority on the safety and prosperity of Australia as well as the maintenance of a strong Australian Defence Force to meet the challenges of Australia's national security.
Last changed: Sat May 04, 2013 at 10:43 am