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Balinese Traditional for Praying at The Temple

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The very soul of Bali and Balinese belief systems is rooted in religion and is expressed in art forms and skills that have been passionately preserved over the centuries. During the mid sixteenth century Bali reached a cultural climax, which encouraged and developed elaborate arts and customs, which are the foundations of what is practiced today. In a sense they have changed very little since that time, but as has been the case throughout much of the Indonesian archipelago, adaptation of new environments is absolutely essential for survival. It was at this time that the Javanese Hindu and the Balinese calendars were combined and a complex schedule of rituals and ceremonies was defined. Nine great temples, the Pura Agung, were also built, linking the structure of the new calendar with that of the gods. The most sacred being the Mother Temple, Pura Besakih, built high on the slopes of Bali’s most sacred mountain, Mount Agung.

The religion in Bali is according to three principles those are Desa (place), Kala (time) and Patra (circumstance). Five pillars of faith acknowledge Hinduism. They are believe in the one Supreme God (Ida Sang Hyang Whidi Wasa), belief in the soul as the universal principle of life and consciousness (atma), belief in the fruition of one`s deeds ( karma pala ), belief in the process of birth and death (Samsara), and belief in ultimate release (Moksa). The religious rites of the Balinese consist of the human rights (Manusa Yadnya), the rites of the dead (Pitra Yadnya), rites of the gods or temple rites (Dewa Yadnya), rites of the demonic forces (Buta Yadnya) and ordainment rites (Rsi Yadnya). Holy water, fire, ash, geese, duck, eggs and dab-dab tree leave are purifying elements used in the ritual. The Balinese are extremely devout and no day goes by without making offerings (Canang) to the gods. These daily offerings - called Banten are a major part of Balinese life. You will see these offerings nearly everywhere in Bali. Made of flowers, cigarettes, cookies, rice and even sometimes money (the actual items used are not as important as the process of making and offering it to the spirits) these offerings are given to the good spirits in hopes of continued prosperity as well as to the evil spirits as an appeasement.

Last changed: Sat Mar 07, 2015 at 8:42 pm

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