Better Sex - Hints and Tips |
Posted by Eka Parwata on Mon Dec 03, 2012 |
But, we do know that it’s not money that makes the world go round. It’s making love/ having sex/ doing what comes naturally…whatever you want to call it.
And over the years, we picked up enough to be able to offer a few hints and tips on how to get things started.
So here we go…let’s begin with body language.
If you want to find out what someone’s really thinking, don’t look into their eyes, look at their feet.
When you’re flirting with someone, your feet will be pointing towards them - subconsciously, indicating an attraction. If their feet are pointing back at you, then the feeling is mutual.
Men like to preen themselves in front of someone they are attracted to. Whether it’s their hair or their outfit, if a man is making sure he is looking at his best, then you know you've got their attention!
Similarly, women like to groom themselves in front of potential partners, generally through playing with their hair or licking their lips.
Women also expose their wrists to those they are interested in romantically. The touching and stroking of wrists is considered erotic as it accentuates the pulse points.
Body language is a great way of finding out what's going on in someone's mind, but remember it's not always guaranteed; so don't take what you see too literally!
Last changed: Mon Dec 03, 2012 at 11:36 am