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Changing the Rat Carcasses Into Fertilizer

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Rats not only a nuisance pest that often troubling farmers. Mammals of the fastest growing in the world it can be processed into organic fertilizer to enrich the soil and tanaman.Meski has been no scientific research on fertilizers from dead rats, but Anas Tika, a national model farmers in Pinrang, South Sulawesi has long been proved. One hectare of rice plants liquid fertilizer from mice that had been dipermentasi, proved quite fertile growth even beat other rice farmers who were given only chemical fertilizers. By utilizing mice fertilizer since 1998, Anas could boost rice production to 12 tons per hectare.
One hectare of rice fields owned by Anas Tika, model farmers in sub-national level Cempa, south Sulawesi Pinrang proved thrives, only by relying on organic fertilizers from dead rats that have dipermentasi without using chemicals. Seeds and grains belonging Anas looked even more fertile and longer, but not mengggunkana chemical fertilizers are expensive and burdensome farmers. Because of his discovery, now dubbed professor Anas Tika mice by the farmers in his village.

How to make a fairly simple mouse manure. Rat carcasses were captured by a giant rat trap that is placed around the area perswahannya Anas processed by dipermentasi. Rat carcasses were incorporated into the three wells that had been prepared anas concrete in his rice field. Rat carcasses are then given water and fermentation process of the destruction that was brief. Beluang rat bone so that it is more quickly destroyed utilize lingo anas wastes such as coconut water, rice water, or other dishwater lowered into fermentation measuring one meter in diameter ..

Liquid mouse carcasses were prepared to be used as fertilizer is then channeled into the well flowed to a shelter before the rice field or garden to be cultivated. Such as chemical fertilizers, artificial fertilizers Anas mice can also harm plants if given excessive fluid mouse.

To convince citizens and anyone who comes to the area persawahannya, Anas often practiced how liquid manure from these mice could menggemeburkan soil and fertilize the plants. Soil watered with liquid instantly turns black rats and brown.

Natural fertilizer that has been practiced and demonstrated his own since 1998. This discovery began when fertilizer Anas mice that had rat diresahkan crop every season, without accidentally throwing the carcasses of rats under the trees and other plants. Rat carcasses destroyed after apparently nourish plants in the vicinity. To prove Anas repeatedly throwing a dead rat in a lot of places and other plants to make sure if potentially diaolah rat carcasses into fertilizer plants that enrich the soil and plants including rice.

The original findings dicibir Anas farmers and neighbors. Anas even have considered crazy by his rat research into organic fertilizer sources that are environmentally friendly and do not damage the soil structure. Keingintahunnya deep and examine the dead mouse into organic fertilizer causes Anas almost divorced by his wife because anas rated stress, not only by neighboring farmers, but also his own family including his wife.

But thanks to his belief, Anas who just graduated from elementary school to prove it. Thanks to the results of the anas penelitinnaya been named national model farmers and get a chance to gather with the president and the minister at the court of the State last year.

Thanks to the discovery that a number of other farmers in his village even in other districts has been practicing his findings. Although his work is now imitated many other farmers, Anas said he was happy because labor payahanya originally assessed as no sane human perbutan now even imitated many other farmers. Even a number of farmers from outside the district as endrekang, Mamuju, Polewali, Barru, Soppeng've come to learn to farmer groups led by Anas Tanete Tika.

Chairman studio Tanete district farmer Pinrang cemnpa is even now not only busy farming, but also busy providing information in various places about the findings. So that other farmers who are curious and want to practice it could langusng understand after receiving an explanation of the source.

By utilizing fertilizer oragnaik of the rat carcass Anas able mengenjot paddy production 8 to 12 tons per hectare. While another farmer is only capable of producing 6 to 7 tons of grain per hectare. With eight tonnes per hectare income alone can already pocketed Anas revenue to $ 26 million per one harvest. With the cost of processing and other production inputs such as seeds, Anas able to allocate net income to $ 21 million or equivalent to Rp 6.5 million per month salary.

If other farmers are being confused repel rats swarm that attacked their rice, Anas is now just confused how mendapatkann mice that can be processed into a healthy source of fertilizer for the soil and plants. Dipsang giant mousetrap permanent dike sekliling their fields are now beginning to get rats trouble since the population began to decrease.




Last changed: Wed May 29, 2013 at 10:37 am

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