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Down The River Earth Island "Sikerei"

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 metawai island

Silaoinan river that divides the South Siberut District on the island of Siberut, Mentawai Islands, West Sumatra, ever popular in the 1980s. Treats natural beauty blends exoticism Mentawai culture is able to attract many tourists. After decades passed, the charm Silaoinan unchanged.

That afternoon, Sabeleake Boas (44) is making the boat a length of 9 meters and a width of 70 centimeters when pompong that we were pulled over by the river in the hamlet Silaoinan Magosi, Muntei village, South Siberut, early September. Seeing us, Boas also stopped work. Then with her friendly greeting and let us look more closely at the boats being made.

"Make one boat can take several weeks. The process starts from the forest to find a tree and bring it to the township. After that, proceed with the manufacture of the boat. At the end, the party was held. Party are required before the boat is used. Otherwise, the boat will be broken. If seen, it is a long process, but it is interesting to follow, "said Boaz.

Boat building is the activity of the Mentawai people that we can meet when Silaoinan down the river. In addition, there is a variety of the life cycle of the Mentawai people that we can see directly.

Before arriving at Magosi, along with pompong Silaoinan, the average length of 9 meters and a width of 60 centimeters, a few hours from a small dock in the village of Muntei indeed thrilling at the same time exciting.

Tens of minutes start of the trip is much easier and without a hitch because the path through which the river is still wide, which is about 20 meters. The bend is not too much so that the driver can more easily control the boat.

The situation began to be different when the width of the river just 7 meters. Besides being more shallow river, the corner is also growing. The driver began to work hard to control the pace of the boat. Occasionally, he had to go down to the river when the boat caught on something or run aground.

At the same time, many trees overhanging the river so that the passengers must be repeatedly bent. There is also a sago tree trunk into the river to make the boat shaking when bypassed.

"Take it easy. Everything is under control. Friends should enjoy the ride. Look treats nature in the left and right of us, "said Timo Salaesek (35), driver pompong.

At that, some passengers began releasing their hands from the start clinging on the gunwale.

They began issuing the camera. While keeping the seated position, they start pointing the camera to capture what is seen around the river.

Along the left edge and right Silaoinan indeed charming. Shades of green and beautiful created by various types of large trees to small. Birdsong chime sound of water splashing river make it more exotic.

Sago tree became one of the staple food source Mentawai residents also thrives. In some locations, we find the people who are taking sago.

After being cut into several pieces, corn stalks were bound and then washed away into the river. A resident of the bond rises above the sago trunk to keep it.

Fields of citizens, a banana, taro, and other crops flourish, also decorate the whole Silaoinan. Near fields are uma or traditional houses Mentawai. The pigs are bred residents were also seen wandering around the cage.

Hamlet Head Salappak gillnet Satoinong who accompanied us said, Silaoinan very popular in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Cultural Tourism

Gillnet said, the trip offered a package when it was traveling from the village of Muntei, South Siberut, to the hamlet Rogdok, Madobag village. From there, they uma next to one of the tribes that are in between Hamlet and Hamlet Salappak Rogdok.

In the uma, the group stayed four nights. While there, tourists are invited to witness the Mentawai tribe activity, such as make poison arrows and hunting, watching muturuk (dance), and mothers make a meal of sago, or witnessing tribal Mentawai make pickpocket.

Pickpocket is the replacement of cloth pants, worn by sikerei or shaman / interpreter when conducting medical treatment. In Siberut Island sikerei this place can be found. Therefore, also known as the island of Siberut Island Earth "Sikerei".

From uma, proceed to Salappak and stopped there. After that, proceed to Gotap Hamlet, Village Saliguma, Central Siberut, on the coast.

"The area inland Siberut, such Silaoinan, made interesting cultural attractions. Many native cultures Mentawai unknown people. Now, tourists visiting Mentawai back stretch. The visit was dominated surfing and diving, "he said.

According to the Social Inclusion Program Manager Yayasan Citra Mandiri Mentawai Pinda Agile Simanjuntak, although increasingly popular marine tourism in Mentawai, river tours and Mentawai culture is not lost.

To try it, said Pinda, tourists departing from Muara Padang to Muara Siberut Mentawai Fast using speed boats at a cost of IDR 250,000. The cruise is about 4 hours.

Can also use the ferry at a cost of IDR 150,000 which schedule twice a week. It took 12 hours to travel Port Bungus-Muara Siberut.

From Muara Siberut, tourists directly to Muntei village and visited the Indonesian Guides Association office to obtain information related to the price and tourist route.

The fare depends on tourists negotiations with the owners pompong. Typically, the cost for one pompong with four passengers and a 3-5 day trip around IDR1,500,000 to IDR 3,000,000.

"If you stay at home residents, tourists bring food to be cooked there. Residents did not ask the cost of lodging to tourists. However, through the guide, tourists usually give thanks perfunctory, "said Pinda.

Last changed: Wed Dec 09, 2015 at 4:51 pm

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