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History of Lovina, North Bali Travel Destinations

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Lovina is located about 9 km west of Singaraja. Lovina is one of the existing attractions in North Bali. Both foreign and local travelers who visit there a lot. In addition to seeing unspoiled beaches, also to see the dolphins are widely available on the beach. By hiring a local fishing boat , we can approach the dolphins. A variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages available for a very affordable price.

Lovina history
Lovina offending history, of course, can not be separated by Anak Agung Panji Tisna figure. The name is often written Tisna Flag banner Tisna. Around the 1950s, Anak Agung Panji Tisna, has traveled to several countries in Europe and Asia. What concerns him is the life of the community, especially in India. He stayed a few weeks in Bombay ( now Mumbai ). Way of life and the condition of the people there, necessarily affects the way he thought and insights ahead to Bali, especially the development of public welfare in Buleleng regency.

Meanwhile, Tisna Bannerman also saw a place arranged for the beautiful people on vacation at the beach. The land has in common with his estate on the beach Tukad Midget, Buleleng, North Bali, which is also located in between two streams. Flag Tisna inspiration appears to build a resort like that.

The appearance of Lovina in Bali
Returned from abroad in 1953, Anak Agung Panji Tisna immediately declared his inspiration and start building on his property, a cottage named " LOVINA ". The place was meant for the " traveler ", the term is now "tourist ", for a vacation. Equipped with 3 bedrooms and weeks to stay in a small restaurant near the seafront. At that time, some business analysts worrying that Tisna Panji plan will not work as expected. Too early time to make that kind of effort on a secluded beach like beach Tukad Midget. Local cultural observer stated, " Lovina " is a foreign word , not the language of Bali. Further more, there is no letter " v " in Balinese. Another comment said firmly, do not use the word " Lovina ", it should be deleted.

Anak Agung Panji Tisna, in 1959, sold Lodging Lovina to younger relatives, Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu, 22 years, as owner and manager. This business is going pretty well. However, there are no travelers or tourists. Only a few friends came Flag Tisna come from America and Europe, as well as local government officials and businessmen for a vacation. Feel lucky too, because on special days such as Sundays and public holidays, also on holidays such as Galungan and Kuningan, including many students who come to enjoy the natural atmosphere of the beach.

Karma in life Lovina
Since the Dutch colonial era until the time of independence , known as the capital of Singaraja. This status is survived by well-established as a center of government and commerce activities. This situation suddenly changed . In the early 1960s , no longer as the capital of Singaraja, since replaced by Denpasar , which then became the provincial capital of Bali. The result is clear , development activities, and trade fell sharply in Singaraja, north Bali and the region in general. It takes many years to bring back to normal conditions in North Bali.

The beginning of tourism in Bali
Since the Bali Beach Hotel was built in 1963, has become a popular tourism in Bali. Development of tourism facilities such as hotels and restaurants began to spread throughout Bali. Tourists flock to Bali 's Ngurah Rai Airport opened after 1970. Buleleng Government programmed so that spurred the tourism sector as one of the mainstays of economic progress and prosperity. In the meantime, the spotlight focused on the role of Lovina in tourism activities . Thus , the recognition and rejection appears Lovina presence.

The dynamics of tourism in Buleleng
In the eastern region of Buleleng , natural baths in the village of Yeh Sanih Evidence , rose as a rival Lovina . Yeh Sanih development support more than Lovina , both from employers and observers pariwsata . Because Yeh Sanih was the original name of a natural pond in the village of Evidence in the eastern parts of Buleleng . But most of the tourists asked the travel agent to pick Lovina.

Lovina " frozen " by the official
The development of tourism in Bali rapidly in the 1980s, prompted the government to form tourist areas , such as tourism area " Kuta " and " Sanur " . In Buleleng regency, established tourism area " Kalibukbuk " and " Water Sanih ". In that time, there are directives from the Governor of Bali, so that the name of Lovina is not developed yet , because the name was not known in Bali. After all that should be developed is the culture of Bali tourism. Therefore, the next entrepreneurs wear names like Mangala, Krishna, Angsoka, Nirvana, Lila Cita, Banyualit, Kalibukbuk, Aditya, Ayodia, and others.

While Anak Agung Panji Tisna himself had built the hotel with the name " Sea of ​​Honey ", is located 100 meters to the west of Lovina, which is becoming an alternative destination. While Lovina should not be presented. Name Lovina kept by its owner, Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu. After Lovina renovated cottage, then use an alias ie​​: Pondok Wisata Jewel (Jewel Cottages).

Buried for 10 years, " Lovina " appears as " Mascot "
Lovina tourism world has known for a long time as a destination in North Bali. Demand from businesses and travel agents demand that Lovina was presented again. Attempt to lift North Bali as a tourist destination among others is to return by way of popularizing Lovina. The name " Lovina " already had a name Pondok Wisata Jewel (Jewel Cottages), again using the name " Lovina " (Lovina Beach Hotel). Finally, Lovina " master " no less than 6 native village beach.

The beach is located in a row of two (2 ) contiguous sub-districts, namely District of Buleleng and Banjar. Existing in Buleleng, the beach in the village Binaria Kalibukbuk, coastal villages Banyualit Banyualit, kingpin in the village of Kubu Beach Anturan / Tukadmungga, Panta Tukadmungga Am See in the village, the village Pemaron weighing Beach. While in the District of Banjar, is the beach at Kampung Baru Tukad Midget ( Kaliasem ), coastal villages Temukus Temukul. All beaches stretcher join in the name Lovina Beach. Meanwhile, the area 's official name was " Area Tourism Kalibukbuk ".

Lovina carrier blessing to the community
Lovina was born rejected, not recognized, doubt, suspicion. But now, Lovina has brought blessing to many people. Anak Agung Panji Tisna dreams since 1953, has been realized. Lovina Lovina Beach historic form still exists and is maintained by Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu until now.

Meaning of " Lovina ". " Love " and " Ina " which translates as Love Indonesia, is not appropriate in the context Flag Tisna. The term " INA " is the abbreviation for the Indonesian contingent or group of athletes to the Asian Games 1963. Meanwhile, Lovina was established in 1953. According to Bannerman Tisna, Lovina has a philosophical meaning, a mixture of two syllables " Love " and " Ina ". The word " Love " from the English language meaning of genuine love and " Ina " from Balinese language or dialect which means " mother ". According to the initiators, Anak Agung Panji Tisna, meaning " Lovina " is " Mother Love " or virtuous meaning is " Love Mother Earth ".

Last changed: Sat Jan 04, 2014 at 9:46 am

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