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Indonesia Elected Vice Chairman of the Palestine

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Indonesia permanent representative to the UN Ambassador Desra selected to be Vice Chairman of the Trust Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) or Implementation Committee Rights Can not Be Ignored the Palestinian People. Desra acclamation elected in a meeting held at the UN Headquarters in New York, Friday (4/10) yesterday .

"Responsibility as Chief Representative is a tribute as well as an acknowledgment of the support are often given the Government and people of Indonesia to the Palestinian people's struggle, " said in a release received Desra detikcom, Saturday (10/05/2013).

Desra said it will keep trying strengthening international support for Palestine. This is because the presence of illegal Israeli measures that continue to pursue the development of Jewish settlements and the expulsion of Palestinian citizens from their land.

"Support from the state and civil society, including the media, will strengthen international opinion to reject the actions and policies of Israel, " said Desra.

Desra also add, Indonesia continues to be able to provide assistance to the Palestinian people through training in various respects. It is hoped to increase the capability of Palestinian citizens.

" In the context of human resource development, Indonesia has provided trainings, among others, in the field of finance, entrepreneurship, agriculture, diplomatic training, health, and empowerment of women. Indonesia has provided training to more than 1,200 Palestinian citizens in the century from 2008 to 2013.

Indonesia itself is consistent in providing support to the Palestinians, including the United Nations to become a full member . Confirmation of the UN General Assembly resolution number 67/19 date of 29 November 2012, which granted the status of "non- member Observer State " to Palestine at the UN General Assembly, is an important step towards the full membership. Support is also given Indonesia in various other international forums, including when applying for a member of the Palestinian United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2012.

CEIRPP formed in 1975 by the UN General Assembly resolution No. 3376, with the aim to assist in the fulfillment of the right of Palestinian self-determination without external interference, to acquire independence and sovereignty, and assisting Palestinian refugees to return to his hometown. CEIRPP members are Afghanistan, South Africa, Belarus, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guinea, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Namibia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venezuela. In addition a number of countries and international organizations also noted as a scout, namely Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Moroco, Egypt, Niger, Palestine, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Syria, RRT, Uni United Arab Emirates, Viet Nam, Yemen, and Jordan; well as African Union, Arab League and Islamic Organization equal Employment (OKI).

Last changed: Sat Oct 05, 2013 at 10:42 am

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