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Kanji Hill, Tourism "Wild" Alternative Rinjani

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Mount Rinjani indeed become the main target of climbers who come to Lombok. Dear one of Indonesia's highest mountain at 3,726 masl (meters above sea level) is closed for climbing until time indefinite.

But if it is making plans to Rinjani, do not cancel, because there are alternatives that can be tried, Hill Kanji. Kanji hill has an elevation of about 1,800 meters above sea level with a quite lane ramps. What's interesting about this hill is a wealth of flora and fauna.

Kanji hill does not sell ascent, but exploration in the forest. Take the package two days and one night to enjoy the ritual of citizens before exploring the woods and hunt.

"We have a package called 'wild flower walk'," said one of the guides Armasih in Rinjani Family Homestay, Sembalun, Lombok who also became one of the entrances Kanji Hill, Monday (11/09/2015).

In one way, visitors will didampiki guides, porters, and spiritual companion. Before entering the forest, each person must undergo a ritual in the woods led a spiritual companion. Ritual form of god consisting of cigarettes, tobacco, betel leaf, areca nut, and 'greng' brown rice mixed with brown sugar.

God will be conducted in private by a spiritual teacher as she introduced one by one person who will enter the forest. After that, the spiritual guide will turn the fire.

Then one by one that will go from the guides to the participant will be touched his forehead with a single white onions, garlic only one bulb in a tree.

If it starts to go into the forest, consider calling each person. Each local communities usually have a "forest names". They believe in the woods there is the genie that has the same name with them.

He himself uses Pudak name, the name of his dog. Pudak often invited to hunt by Armasih before it was banned by the National Park of Mount Rinjani.

Enjoy the variety of flora

Kanji hill filled with a variety of interesting flora. A feast for the eyes are diverse types of orchids. These flowers grow wild in the forest. There are so parasites with white flowers.

There is also a form of leaves such as grasses, flowers purple. Besides orchids, many mountain pine trees that dominate the forest. This tree may be unusual, but interesting activity is looking for sap.

Pine sap is believed to citizens good for digestive health. At this juncture could also relieve abdominal pain or diarrhea. Forest animals eat to keep digestion as well.

But not all plants Bukit Kanji good, some are harmful and even toxic. If not careful, could irritations to poisoning. For example, the leaves of Moringa Balit. Called like this because it is shaped like the leaves of Moringa. In the forest, this plant has the most seamless leaves untouched.

There also leaves Seraksak which if touched itch a week. There is also the leaves of the trees Jelateng that could make up to one month itch. But not to worry, there are drugs Jelateng leaves on the tree bark. Peel the skin from the bottom and apply on the skin.

Wild animal

Not only plants, pay attention to the activity of wild animals also become attractive in the Mount Kanji activity. The easiest thing to do is herding cattle. In Taman National of Mount Rinjani, people often herded cattle and left on the mountain. If you want to call them that have been scattered around, easy, use salt.

The cows will gather to taste the salt. Collecting this cow has its own thrill. No need to fear, the shepherd will ensure their cows safe.

Of beef, switch to a boar. In the mating season, watching the wild boar mating it could be interesting. One female will usually contested by five to seven boar. The most powerful will line up at the front.

rinjani trekking tour

After that moment will be mating, both males would hinder and attack. Continue like this until there is one winner. It is unique is the weakest pigs that are most behind sometimes do not have rivals and managed to marry while others collided pigs.

Further afternoon saw the bird. Lombok has a small parrot called Pering. These birds can be "enjoyed" between the months of January to March. Still about birds there are also attractions summon chicken.

Last changed: Fri Nov 13, 2015 at 1:00 pm

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