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Kecak Dance | Bali Dance From Indonesia

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Kecak dance is one of Bali dance from Indonesia which is as known "The Monkey Dance" as the tourists is an dancing drama in the basic of comparatively new and gets get an really favourite dancing show in Bali. Kecak dance pictures have made up advertized in a lot of poscard, travel guide and others.Kecak is the name is an name that's straight gotten after the sound "cak, cak" which is said continuously end-to-end the perfomance. There are a few who explains that the word or voice "cak" in reality means a really useful and meaningful in the show.

Kecak Dance History

Kecak Dance in the beginning a trance ritual companioned along male choir. In the 1930s, Walter Spies, a German painter and musician, got deeply concerned in the ritual whilst live in Bali. He accommodated it as a drama, established with the Hindu Ramayana and admitting dance, designated for performance prior to Western tourist audiences.

These is an case by what James Clifford identifies as part of the "New art-culture organisation in which, "the western or the center power takes on, transforms, and consumes non-Western or peripheral cultural elements, while making 'art,' which was once embedded in the culture as a whole, into a separate entity.Spies worked with Wayan Limbak, who popularized the dance by arranging for performances by Balinese groups touring internationally. These tours have helped make the kecak internationally known.

I Wayan Dibia, a performer, choreographer, and scholar, suggests, by contrast, that the Balinese were already developing this form when Spies arrived on the island. For example, during the 1920s, the well-known dancer I Limbak had incorporated Baris movements into the cak leader role. "Spies liked this innovation," and he suggested that Limbak "devise a spectacle based on the Ramayana," accompanied by cak chorus rather than gamelan, as would have been usual.

Pattern of Bali Kecak and Fire Dance
Because Kecak dance show is supported by a few really important factor, and in the Kecak dance performance awards the dancing for an creation to the history, naturally, essential music to go with the dancers trends. But in the Kecak Dance, the music yielded by a combining voices of members "cak" which were about more then 10 people altogether will make music in akapela. A man will act an leader who applies the tone advance, someone else acting a suppressor in charge of squeeze high up or low note, someone else acting a alone vocalist, and someone else will act the organize behind that to deliver the history. the dancers in the Kecak dancing motion shouldn't accompany the motion of dancing accompanied with gamelan. Indeed in the Kecak dance this motions of the dancer are easier because the primary priority is the storyline and the sound mixing.

The evolution of Bali Kecak and Fire Dance
Kecak Dance in Bali carries on to transfer and build up as the 1970's. Evolutions could be checked is in terms of history and arranging. In terms of the story for arranging not just following one depart by the Ramayana, but as well other parts of the story of the Ramayana. And then in terms of presenting also began to feel development not only found in one spot likes the Village Bona, Gianyar, but also another villages in Bali commenced to build up Kecak dance so all regions in Bali there are dozens of Kecak groups whose members are usually members of the Banjar. Activities such as Kecak dance festival is often held in Bali well by government or by a school of art in Bali. As well as from the amount of much dancers who ever performed in the Kecak dance was recorded in 1979 which involved 500 dancers. At that time kecak performed by taking the story from the Mahabharata. But this record was broken by Tabanan regency government that organizes colossal Kecak dance with 5000 dancers on September 29, 2006, at Tanah Lot, Tabanan, Bali.




Last changed: Tue Jan 27, 2015 at 9:52 pm

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