Keep "Bali Beach" Clean |
Posted by Anom Wijaya on Mon Oct 22, 2012 |
Dreaming of a vacation to beautiful Bali? You might want to avoid the Seminyak Beach. How is it polluted? Let me count the ways...agricultural run-off, sewage, urban waste, and industrial waste.Just across the pond, the Blackpool Beach is notorious for trash, mainly from kids throwing up from drinking too much. Those that don't puke leave behind smashed bottles and there is violence in the area.
Repulse Beach in Hong Kong has been nicknamed Repulsive Bay and that's not a good thing. In the past, the beach has an E. coli counts of over 400 count/100 mL. A pipe drains construction pollution into the water. As a result, algae grow that not only kills marine life, but also leaves a funny smell on those that dare to swim there.Not long ago, I blogged about polluted beaches. Oceans are one of nature's great wonders, yet man has destroyed them and in doing that, destroyed the beaches as well.
Think the problems are only overseas? Wrong. Doheny State Beach in California looks pretty, but don't be surprised if you see signs warning you not to go in the water. That's because Doheny has had a problem with high levels of fecal bacteria in its waters. Now that's just gross!
Zach's Bay at Jones Beach State Park in New York has water that has tested high for bacteria for the last three years. Worse yet, if you go there, you won't see advisories posted.
Central Beach in New Jersey tested for high levels of bacteria the last two years and the Surfside Beach in South Carolina has tested high for the last three years.
Myrtle Beach in South Carolina is a popular tourist destination, with approximately 14.6 million visitors a year. But, they may not know that Myrtle Beach has tested high for bacteria for the last three years. It's a bit like swimming in a cesspool.
Let's Keep Bali Beach Clean start from Now,start from small action for our Future !!!!
Last changed: Mon Oct 22, 2012 at 11:55 pm