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Mount Fatuleu, Destinations and Markers Farmers

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mount fatuleo kupang

Mount Fatuleu in Kupang regency, East Nusa Tenggara, not only tourism that relies on the uniqueness accompanied by a magical aura. Mountains are almost entirely made up of chunks of black rock, to appear haughty and fierce, also keeps a role, namely as a guiding stage surrounding farming community.

Included in the Village area Nunsaen, District Central Fatuleu, Mount Fatuleu located about 40 kilometers from Kupang district government center in Oelamasi, or approximately 70 kilometers east of Kupang.

On Sundays or other holidays, the Mount Fatuleu crowded. Most visitors there who secretly wants to feel the magical aura or implant that emanated from the mountains as high as 1,111 meters above sea level. There is also a group of teenagers practicing the sport of rock climbing on the mountain. Incessant traveled to the location of choice is closely related to the availability of road infrastructure since a year ago.

Paved roads that connect seamlessly start point at the intersection of East Cross Lili, District Fatuleu, is part of the Central Axis, which will open the isolation area to touch the border Oekusi, East Timor. Long road central axis 159.2 kilometers. Until mid-October 2015, part of the road is paved smooth start to Kampung Kofi Lili in Oelbitneno along 20 kilometers, or about three kilometers after Mount Fatuleu.

Therefore, the choice of a vacation in the Mount Fatuleu certainly comfortable although there is still little disruption in Lili. Passing vehicles for the time they have to break through the river channel in Lili because the bridge is being built. Mobility of citizens currently rely on a modified flatbed vehicle into rural transportation.

Kupang regent Ayub Titu Eki, last June, has inaugurated the Mount Fatuleu as one of the attractions in the area. The inauguration was preceded customary ritual called feset, with animal sacrifices in the form of a pig. Meaningful ritual welcomes guests was held in front of the mouth travelers Nualeu Goa, one of the sacred point around the foot of Mount Fatuleu. Still around the foot of the mountain the same in other points provided some shade huts for the visitors.

Sublele village residents, village Nunsaen, Marthen Kake (19), which is several times acted as a guide Mount Fatuleu, mentioning, if visitors a group of teenagers almost certainly there scouting for rock climbing activities. There is also scouting for special guests who visit Goa Nualeu and also the altar in the vicinity.

"The group of guests who need guidance was only for those who intend to visit Goa Nualeu or rock climbing. Groups of visitors who witnessed Mount Fatuleu of areas of shade huts do not need a guide, "added Rise Manbait (21), friend of Marthen Kake. In addition to air cool, scented mystical stories also boost the attractiveness of Mount Fatuleu as a tourist attraction. That said, a variety of disaster or event is always preceded by a special mark on Mount Fatuleu.

A number of examples of which are related to the September 30th Movement of 1965, the passing of former President Sukarno, the former president Suharto, Ibu Tien Soeharto, former President Gus Dur, Flores earthquake and tsunami, tsunami, and much more. "Everything is preceded by a rock slide on the wall or the top of Mount Fatuleu," the story of elder Marthen Suan (53).


Dual Role

Mount Fatuleu actually double play. In addition to the attractions of high tensile power, is also a marker for farmers in the vicinity. If it is still bright-view, a sign of the rain season is still far away. Conversely if the fog began to drop in and perched on top or around the mountain wall, it signaled the rainy season arrives soon. As acknowledged a number of elders, cues it takes farmers to set precise time of planting their fields.

Wide area around Mount Fatuleu an area of four districts. Central Fatuleu addition, three other districts are Fatuleu, Fatuleu West, and Takari. Residents of four districts generally dryland farmers and cattle ranchers. A number of farmers in the region, on Friday (30/10/2015), recognizes the fields they are already ready for planting corn, rice, and peanuts. Although the time has come, they have not dared to do it because of the fog activity stage has not yet come and wrap or perched around the summit of Mount Fatuleu.

The farmers were among Gerson Bait (61) and Marthen Tafuakan (69). Both residents of Kampung Naifalo, Village Nunsaen; and Kofi Village, Village Oelbitneno. Both villages were located in the districta of Central Fatuleu. Others, Nikolaus Utan (41), a resident of the village of Boni, Tonaka Village, District Fatuleu.

"Although the rain has not gone down, farmers usually immediately planted his garden with corn, rice, and beans that have already seen the peak of Mount Fatuleu began to fog. We have testimony from generation to generation that soon rain down the mountain when it began to fog, "said Gerson temple, an elder in his village, Naifalo.

Other Naifalo elders, Marthen Tafuakan, explained, farmers do not dare to cultivate their fields during the scenic area of Mount Fatuleu remains bright. "If Fatuleu still bright, it is a sign of rain is still far away," said Marthen Tafuakan are also community leaders Oelbitneno village.




Last changed: Wed Nov 04, 2015 at 7:03 pm

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