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Puppet or "Wayang Kulit" Indonesia Very Famous In France

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Indonesia at this time indeed can be proud, his name in France is being rose leaf! Being glance European entrepreneurs to do business until hebohnya purchase of Airbus aircraft in large quantities by an airline company in the country the French media. Until-until, when I spoke with some French audience in performances wayang skin, they immediately commented, wah terrific ya!
Indonesia is now going up the economy. Although in my heart sometimes was made miris with news I heard from soil water. But there is a sense of pride, too, occasionally known to come from developing countries. Understandably during This my always been considered coming from poor country.
But this time I want to tell you is the success achieved wayang kulit troupe led by leading masterminds Purbo Asmoro.
The arrival of entourage wayang leather it in order 'festival de l'imaginaire'. Where some performances coming from several countries doing their performasi in Paris. From Indonesian, wayang kulitlah which displayed. Great surprise!
Since the first day the event started, visitors very dense. On Wednesday (03.20.2013) at 15.00, a puppet show is much visited by families in particular, make the kid to be fascinated French teenagers!
White screen which illuminated by small lights make shadows carving tree, figures puppetry became alive is played by dalang. Something that makes the audience captivated.
Which me amazed is, precisely kid-children around the age 3 to 5 years here's which with enthusiasm, following the puppet show leather which lasted during 2 hours. They is allowed for go up go down the stage, see from close how the dalang famous Purbo Asmoro, plays the wayang figure his skin with voice who changed-change.
Musical instruments gamelan and pesinden Ibu Suyatmi which shrill with the exquisite, not only make children-child alone who made transfixed however a few visitors adult else until made curious, and followup go up the stage to see directly behind the screen.
The second day, a puppet show begins at 20:00. The shadow puppet troupe, consisting of Purbo Asmoro, as the mastermind. Purbo which born in 1961 and who first grabbed title of bachelorship (alumni of Universitas Gajah Mada) and also concurrently as dalang, has the activity routine as a lecturer in Art Institute Indonesian in Solo.
Name mastermind Purbo Asmoro already adorn the world artistry of international. United States, Britain, Australia, Japan and other Asian countries have didatanginya to hold a puppet show.
There is also the the players and penabuh gamelan which make music adds to apiknya a journey tale 'Dewa Ruci, spiritual journey Bima', is Rahayu Supanggah, Sri Eko Widodo, Suyatmi (pesinden), Joko Purwanto, Sukamso Gondodarsono, Supardi Atmo Sukarto, Suraji, Hadi Boediono, Sri Joko Raharjo, Robertus B Soewarno, Singgih Sri Cundamanik, Kuwat.
And who interesting is a translator Kahryn Emerson, which directly translate dialog to the audience passing special screen.
Apparently Thursday (21/03/2013) night was full of performances returning. Spectators who come are French society. I saw some of Indonesian people, who attended as invited guests. The rest they who come because of enthusiastic and an interest want to witnessed wayang leather, that's which makes me proud.
They eagerly pay 22 euros for a show ticket prices. And of course, those who bought the tickets come because of curiosity and really want to see live puppet show behind the scenes.
Some spectators present as it ever come to Indonesia and have seen a puppet show in Java. Can look back like a puppet show for their nostalgia.
The rest claimed to come because of curiosity with Indonesian art and not wanting to miss a golden opportunity to directly see the show from leading puppeteer with his entourage.
Performances wayang kulit in Paris lasted during 4 days it in a in 'Théâtre de Soleil-Cartoucherie'. In which the in arena Cartoucherie this there are some big theater and very unique.
Upon entering the building from the region Cartocherie theaters this alone makes present the visitor immediately carried away. I captured the picture is a large garden with the presence of several buildings, which is used as a theater. For example, Théâtre du Soleil, a place wayang leather lasted, has a roof looming with as fugitives iron, is like an headquarters military.
Indeed, this is a once Cartoucherie weapons factory complete with powder for the manufacture of bullets. Since 1970 by Ariane Mnouchkine this factory taken over and made into a place theater where himself worked together with Philippe Leotard which constitute the founder théâtre du soleil since 1964.
Beautiful theater is already making its own charm. We were given a written information that fully explains about the tradition of wayang kulit, gamelan accompaniment, division 3 section of the show that took place, and many other new honest I know exactly when it was.
There a sense of shame in the liver because my knowledge is new increased concurrently with the spectators the French. Before the event started a committee to explain the course of the show, and whether it is for traditional shadow puppets of Indonesia, especially Java.
As he explained, the audience is allowed up and down the stage to see directly behind the screen. Things that make visitors of course very happy to get the chance. Unfortunately, the committee prohibits taking pictures or photos although not using the flash. I was disappointed, too, was made ...
Till Friday, welcome spectators always the same, enthusiastic and listened with full attention. Saturday was the culmination of leather puppet show. Times it does not half-hearted, performances all-night with tale the collapse of kingdom Kaurawa be played dalang. And visitors still full!
Some spectators came with the children. Indeed, there are also some spectators who had left the show before it was over. The rest survive and continue to enjoy the event to complete. Something to be proud of.
This is the for the the first time visitors the French witnessing a traditional performances all-night. Of course I felt very touched by the enthusiasm of the French art lovers. And more was touched a day after the the first show, news about the show wayang this leather appeared in several media the mass the French, with the title performances a spectacular from ancient traditions Javan.

Last changed: Fri Apr 26, 2013 at 10:53 am

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