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So Romantic, These Attractions To Be Subscriptions Apply For Love

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When a partner is certainly the most anticipated is applied and marriage. Both of these tastes can not be separated because its so memorable. To that end, many of which perpetuate applying session and marriage in the video or photo frame. For you who want to make their partner more in love and happy, why not find a beautiful place to apply? Yup, Indonesia and even save a lot of tourist attractions with stunning natural scenery. That's right! You should try to propose couples in beautiful places below.

Kalibiru, Tourism Village Romance


Was no doubt when Jogjakarta has a myriad of tourist attractions, ranging from the mountains, beaches, temples, until its rural. Loveliest spot for the lover this time is Kalibiru. This place is actually a place outbound like flying fox, and trekking along the 7 km. However, a suitable location for applying is on the spot flying fox. Invite couples there and enjoy views of the Sermo Reservoir.

The way to get to this place is easy. When the trip started from Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta to Jogjakarta's Adi Sucipto Airport passengers will only be charged at IDR 1,451,900. This price includes the cost of going with the airline Sriwijaya Air and go home with the airline Air Asia. The journey to Kalibiru should proceed with hiring a car. Its location in Kulon Progo, close to the Sermo Reservoir.

In order to propose a session run smoothly, you should contact the Tourism Village Kalibiru advance. Blowing wind and green scenery add to the romantic atmosphere while applying for couples. That perfect moment ever!

Love Batu Raja Ampat, West Papua

love stone  raja ampat

Raja Ampat is always presenting beautiful views of the islands and the exotic beaches. Dafalen in the region, South Misool, tourists can see giant karst stone rows, one of that Stone Love. Referred to as the Stone Love because there was a hole large enough that resembles the shape of the heart.

One romantic spot for couples apply when the vessel is approaching the stone of love. But, before how to get to the Raja Ampat? The journey starts from Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta to Sorong with NAM airline Air. Ticket issued approximately IDR 4,711,000. The fee includes the price of return from Sorong to Jakarta by using carrier Wings Air. Arriving at the airport, proceed by taxi to get to Waisai which is the capital of Raja Ampat. Do not stop there, the journey continues by ferry or speed boat at a price of IDR 120,000. The departure schedule of the ferry or speed boat usually departs every 14.00.

This trip can be followed back to The Last of Paradise On Earth or using KM Belt Misool archipelago at a cost of IDR 60,000 / person. The ship will sail to the small islands in Misool, including Stone Love. As it passes through the stone, make it as a couple applying for a romantic moment. Make Misool which has views of karst rocks and clear green sea water as the most beautiful background to create romantic moments that only once in a lifetime. Tired after traveling around Misool, rest a while in Misool Eco Resort which offers comfortable rooms with views of the sea Raja Ampat, restaurants, dive service, spa center, and so forth. Make a reservation long ago to get the relax room!

By applying in a romantic, sure couples will be very happy and think this is the happiest moment in his life. So, lets explore Indonesia and find other romantic places to Live the pair!

Last changed: Tue Jan 05, 2016 at 11:45 pm

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