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Strawberry Benefits For Skin

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It feels good, sweet, and juicy. Who does not know this mottled red fruit? Strawberries are often used as a flavoring and coloring ice cream, milkshakes, smoothies and a variety of other desserts. Besides processed into snacks, fruit is also often eaten directly as texture and unique taste. Small strawberry fruit has a sharper flavor and higher nutrient content than fruits that are large and tend to be watery. Amazingly, in Indonesia grew strawberries are small. In addition to its delicious taste, strawberries also have been kayaking in vitamins, nutrients, minerals, antioxidants which are beneficial to the body such as the skin. There are so many benefits you can get from the red fruit when applied to the skin.

Strawberries have properties as a cleaner. Strawberry fruit extract is often used as a facial mask and soap because it is able to restore skin elasticity. Strawberries contain vitamin C, salicylic acid, antioxidants and also remove dead skin cells. While removing dead skin cells, this content also clog your pores and soften the skin. In addition to softening, this fruit was able to brighten the skin and effectively disguise the black spots and wrinkles. The skin will look firmer and wrinkles was reduced.

If you feel the need for protection from the sun, you can use a strawberry because the fruit also serves as a protective skin. Sunlight is the cause of aging of the skin and make it dull. Vitamin C in it was able to ward off free radicals as well. Use a mixture of strawberries with honey as a mask or scrub and see the results are amazing. Using these pieces as masks can reduce the swelling of acne and excess oil on the face. The results of the application of strawberries on the face and body skin will be maximal if it is done 2x a week routine.

For you mothers who have just given birth, the skin will appear dry and dull and you need all the goodness of strawberries is to regenerate the skin. Vitamin C in strawberries can grow in the tissues under the skin and produce the collagen as an important protein needed to restore skin wounds quickly. If you have wrinkles and chapped skin after childbirth, do massage using strawberry scrub because it can soften the skin in the area.
Semua keuntungan bisa Anda dapatkan dengan menggunakan buah stroberi yang diolah menjadi krim atau masker. Namun, jika Anda merasa kerepotan, telah tersedia produk dengan kebaikan stroberi di dalamnya. Produk ini biasanya tersedia dalam bentuk sabun atau krim losion yang aman untuk dipakai setiap hari. Dapatkan kulit yang indah dengan pemakaian teratur.

Last changed: Tue Dec 31, 2013 at 10:17 am

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