Survey: Indonesian Student happiest globally |
Posted by Roni on Sat Dec 07, 2013 |
There are interesting findings from the survey results released Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to students in 65 countries/cities. Indonesian students expressed most happy in school. While South Korean students, most unhappy.
In one part of the question in the category of engagement, motivation, and confidence 510,000 students surveyed were asked about sense of belonging to their school.
The result, to the question I can easily make friends at school' and I feel happy at school, 96 % of students surveyed answered Indonesia agreed.
Coupled with a number of other questions, the survey Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and then create a table percentage level of happiness of the students in the school.
The top five are : Indonesia, Albania, Peru, Thailand, Colombia. As for students who are not happy are from South Korea, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Estonia, and Finland.
Quoted from the site MONE, Indonesia participated in the PISA survey since 2000. For the year 2012, the population in this study was the entire school students aged 15-16 years in Indonesia.
The samples performed by three strata, namely the type of school (junior high school/ high school/ vocational school), school status (Public / Private ), and / performance / school (Good / Moderate / less). Overall, as many as 350 junior high school / high school / vocational secondary schools public and private , with both categories, moderate, and less, was selected as a sample. Approximately 8000-10000 students each year participate in the study round.
The data collection was conducted in March-April in each year of the study and carried round simultaneously in the sample schools. Students are given a sample test book to work for 120 minutes. After that, students and principals were asked to complete a questionnaire.
Last changed: Tue Dec 10, 2013 at 2:02 pm
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