Tabuh Rah Bali (Cockfight) |
Posted by Made Kamayasa on Sun Jan 13, 2013 |
Hit the red is the blood of sprinkling sacrificial animal be in conjunction with a religious ceremony (yadnya). The ceremony can be held red drum are also not all ceremonies. Only ceremonies and decent pecaruan coupled with red drum. The ceremony may be accompanied by a red drum is Caru Panca Kelud, Caru Rsi Gana, Caru Behind Oath, Tawur Court, Tawur Labuh Gentuh, Panca Wali Krama Tawur and Tawur Eka Dasa Rudra.Mengenai place where the red drum is at the ceremony. That did the yajamana or hold their respective ceremonies. Clothes that do are required to use the red drum custom clothing. Likewise, the types of animals used for red drum, red drum, which means not necessarily using chicken. The types of animals that are victimized chickens, pigs, ducks, buffalo, and others. Red drum can not be identified with the rooster fights. Because the implementation can be done with percussion rah penyamblehan or can also hold Satha war. So when it comes to red drum should not be realized by pitting one chicken to bleed or die. Parisada confirmed that the penyamblehan can be done as a form of percussion rah.Penyamblehan is how to bleed the animals were then sown (red drum) by way of cutting the animal's throat or stab him with a dagger. In this way the Majapahit era termed a "hack Gulu chicken." Even if there is a Pakraman requiring red drum in the form of war Satha which means there are chickens that have pitted, Parisada Center has actually been suggested to be replaced with penyamblehan. Again, nothing to complain chicken jago.Kalaupun must hold war Satha, provisions as a red drum should still be followed. Already there uger-uger which also makes it easy to distinguish from other activities. Uger-uger, first, the number of chickens that pitted should not be more than three parahatan (telung Saet). Number three is the magical sense of meaning as a symbol of the beginning middle and end.
Last changed: Sun Jan 13, 2013 at 10:48 am