Tapping, Indonesia Can Banish U.S. Ambassador and Australia |
Posted by Made Kamayasa on Sun Nov 03, 2013 |
Actions Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa, who cast a protest note over wiretapping activities, carried U.S. and Australia is considered appropriate. However, if not satisfied, can the Indonesian government expel the U.S. ambassador and Australia from Indonesia?
“If Indonesia is considered the official explanation is inadequate then the wiretapping issue would be finished up there. Yet if Indonesia is not satisfied with the explanation from the U.S. and Indonesia could Ausralia eviction actions or persona non grata on a number of diplomats who served in the U.S. Embassy and Australia, “said expert of International Relations, University of Indonesia, Hikmahanto Heilbron in a statement on Sunday (11/03/2013).
Not only that, according to Hikmahanto, the Indonesian government recalled ambassador to Indonesia and Australia, even minimize representative diplomat who served in both countries.
“This was before the crackdown a severance of diplomatic relations. All will depend on how the Indonesian government to wiretap incident. Governments of Germany and Brazil have revealed his anger by proposing a draft resolution to the United Nations regarding the right to privacy.
However Hikmahanto dubious attitude of the government of Indonesia will be harsh and Brazil are similar to German. The reason, Indonesia's dependence on these countries is huge.
“It 's a great question. Decision of the government will be overshadowed by Indonesia's dependence on both the state and how the two countries play their bargaining position against Indonesia.
Revelation of wiretapping by the U.S. and Australia is not based on the work of the NIA but treason committed by a former employee contracts, Snowden.
Snowden has revealed wiretaps conducted by the United States in Germany, China, Malaysia, and even Indonesia.
Wiretapping conducted to gather information illegally to the U.S. or Australian government can know in advance and anticipate the policy will be made by the Indonesian government.
Tapping Hikmahanto considered unhealthy by the conduct of international relations as it is based on suspicion and the desire to advance on measures taken by the governments of the countries that will be tapped.
“Tapping is considered contrary to international law because such actions are not in accordance with the norms set out in the Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
Last changed: Sun Nov 03, 2013 at 3:31 pm