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the Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2013

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Every three years, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) aka Aga Khan architecture award given to projects that reflect the plurality of world architecture in the Muslim community. AKAA Throughout history, architecture has seven projects in Indonesia who had received the award.
Kampung Improvement Programme (KIP) initiated by Ali Sadikin, along with Pabelan Boarding School (PPP) Amin Arraihana design, Fanani, and LP3ES (Abdurrahman Wahid), are the first two projects that won awards, right when AKAA was first held in 1980.
KIP is a quality improvement infrastructure projects in Jakarta dense villages that lack of physical and social infrastructure. When KIP began in 1969, these villages to fill 60 percent of the urban area of ​​Jakarta. As many as 75 percent of Jakarta residents there.
Darrundono, professor of Architecture and Built Environment at the University Tarumanegara and KIP program planners, proposing improvements on three components: access roads, water supply and sanitation, and social structure. By improving public infrastructure, he predicted the occupants will be moved to improve the quality of their housing.
During 1969-1979, more than 300 villages repaired. The project was considered successful by international agencies like the World Bank and UN Habitat.
KIP when dealing with a large city, PPP projects have a smaller scope. Project located in the village of Pabelan, Central Java, was launched by Kyai Hamam Dja'far in 1965. PPP's success lies in its proximity to the local community. Architecture does not enclose themselves as a separate part of the village Pabelan. Construction was carried out by students-students and assisted by local artisans. Education is directed, in addition to religion, also in agriculture to the livelihoods of villagers Pabelan.
In just a few years since it was built, which was originally a boarding school where students learn 25 issued (drop out) from the formal schools flooded with students. In 1980, there were 971 students studying in the PPP, the majority came from outside the village Pabelan.
After the awards KIP and PPP, during the years 1986 to 1995 architecture projects in Indonesia, with a diverse faces, respectively AKAA award.
At AKAA 1986, two projects in Indonesia awarded. The first project is Saïd Naum Mosque, Jakarta, design Atelier Six. The firm won the design contest organized by the government in 1975. The idea is to adapt Java architectural elements, such as roof pillars Meru and four poles. Compatibility with the environment and climatic conditions, as well as the use of local materials, making this design successfully captured the attention of the jury.
The second project is the Kampung Improvement Kebalen, which is part of the KIP Surabaya. The principle is similar to that held in Jakarta KIP. The involvement of the teachers and students of architecture in Surabaya in researching and designing improvements to the value of this village over the project in Kampung Kebalen. Its construction also involves the local community.
AKAA 1989 winners from Indonesia, the City Environmental Development Citra Niaga, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, breaking the dominance of Java architecture projects in Indonesia AKAA winner. The project is a private project that is government land. Antonio Ismael, architect, need to convince the government that this project will have a positive impact for the local community. He then made a design concept that reflects the atmosphere of the town square. Small traders were given space to sell. Local symbols, such as carvings and sculptures Dayak Hornbill bird, used as building elements. Shortly after being founded, this region is a marker of the city of Samarinda.
Kampung Kali Code, Yogyakarta, turn the next award, which is in 1992. The project was considered subversive. Kali Code village located on the edge of the river, exact location forbidden. At that time, the government has issued an eviction order, but was postponed due to get a lot of opposition.
Joseph Bilyarta Mangunwijaya, clergy versatile, and invites the locals to clean up. If they had been the strategy so as not to disturb appear rundown, Romo Mangun persuade them otherwise. By looking good, he believes the negative view of the housing side of the river will change. He set Kampung Kali Code, and invites students and residents the art of Kali Code to paint the walls of the house. As a result, the Code appears attractive village of colorful and earthy but still managed to win public sympathy and even local governments.
AKAA 1995 Integration Landscape project awarded to Soekarno-Hatta airport, by Paul Andreu, a French architect who also designed the overall design of Soekarno-Hatta airport. Regardless of the criticism that this landscape can be enjoyed only limited to visual, unique concept of this project to the attention of the judges AKAA. He did not want to make nan magnificent monumental building. Imagine what it is like an airport houses in Indonesia, which will open nature with a friendly building scale. He imagined a place where travelers can sit back, chat or brooding among the trees, the gardens, and the planes, so that the body and mind before entering the travelers so fresh dimension in the abstract space of air.
After 1995, no further architectural projects in Indonesia are getting AKAA.
On AKAA 2010, two nominated projects in Indonesia, namely Reconstruction Ngibikan village, Yogyakarta, village destroyed by the earthquake of 2006 severely, and the Green School, Bali, which is famous with bamboo material exploration. Unfortunately, both projects did not win.
In 2013, AKAA will once again be given to architectural projects around the world. Protection of traditional houses mbaru Niang, Village Wae Rebo, Flores, successfully nominated 20. AKAA 2013 winners will be announced in September 2013.

Last changed: Fri Jun 07, 2013 at 5:31 pm

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