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The beauty of Three Colors Beach

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the three colors beach

The beauty of the southern coast of Malang indeed endless. From time to time there is always a "finding" new shores with its own eloquence. This time, Three Colors Beach at Blue Spring Village, District Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang, East Java, became our choice.

Although not as famous as other South Malang beach, Three Colors Beach has begun busy discussed its beauty. The distance of this resort to Malang approximately 100 kilometers.

To get to the Three Colors Beach, visitors can use two-wheeled vehicles or four-wheel in the direction of Blue Spring Beach. Before arriving at Blue Spring Beach, visitors should turn towards the south traffic lane.

During the trip, there is no signpost that points the way to the beach Three Colors. That there is a direction to the beach Clungup. To reach the Three Colors Beach, visitors must enter the mangrove conservation area Clungup first.

South of the traffic lane, the turn passes through the narrow lanes between housing residents to arrive in the car park. From the parking lot, visitors can walk or ride motorcycles at a price of IDR 5,000 per person to the post entry. For two-wheeler riders, able to bring the vehicle up to the post entry.

In the post entry, travelers luggage bins potentially being recorded or listed, ranging from mineral water bottles, food wrappers, or tissue. Visitors are asked to bring all the waste is returned after the tour.

Before leaving, the officer will re-examine the waste according to the item list. The rules were made so that visitors not littering. If the luggage is found in the list of goods is reduced, the person will be fined Rp 100,000 per litter items were missing. The area manager is the Foundation Bhakti Alam, a collection of villagers who attempted to restore deforested in the Blue Spring Village area.

Upon inspection of the goods sorted out, visitors must walk to the beach. Tourists will be accompanied by a guide in order not to get lost while exploring the conservation area. In the post entry, each person must pay the entrance fee of IDR 10,000. As for the guide, the group paid IDR 100,000 per group.

After a walk through the gardens of mango, coconut, and various perennials for 30 minutes, we arrived at a nearby beach, Clungup and Gatra. On the other side, among the mangrove trees are starting to grow, look Teluk Asmoro Beach and Bangsong Beach.

We are not to the Teluk Asmoro Beach and Bangsong Beach, because sea water was high tide so there may walk across the sea to get there.

After peek the beauty of Clungup and Gatra Beach, we continue the trip to the Three Colors Beach. This time it passed three other beaches, the Savana, Mini, and Watu Pecah Beach. Track up and down hills and blazing sun will not deter us toward the Three Colors Beach, which is said to be the most beautiful in between the rows of beach there.

White Sand

After walking how long, we arrived at the Three Colors Beach. A sense of fatigue and thirst seemed to disappear at the sight of clean white sandy beaches caressed sea water blue, greenish, and the yellowish. Do not want to spoil the fineness of the sand beach, we just admire the beauty of a moment that he take pictures.

Three Colors Beach located in the northwest of the Sempu Island, so that the waves of the Indian Ocean Indonesia not directly hit the beach hard. Three Colors is the uniqueness Beach visitors can snorkel for a peek at the underwater beauty. The beach is indeed a coral reef areas.

Because it is a vehicle for conservation, visitors in Three Colors are limited to 100 people per day. That is why, should a reservation in advance if you want to visit there.

On the beach, the manager provides rental services snorkel (snorkel equipment) plus float at a price of IDR 15,000 per equipment. The guide will provide instructions for the tourists who want to snorkel can comfortably enjoy the underwater of Three Colors.

Three Colors Beach indeed the only beach in southern Malang providing services snorkel. Snorkeling on this beach was arguably intended for beginners because of its depth is only 5-8 meters.

Coral ranks in Three Colors are not as beautiful colorful Bunaken, but tend to be brownish green. Ubiquitous artificial reefs, planted by the management for conservation purposes. However, there, as a beginner, we are free to learn snorkeling without embarrassment to anyone.


Last changed: Mon Nov 09, 2015 at 6:05 pm

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