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The History of Vihara Dhammadana Baturiti

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History Vihara Dhammadana, Baturiti, stems from the association Cing Bing Baturiti changed its name to Society Suka Duka Kertha Yadnya Baturiti are still under the auspices of Indigenous Baturiti Village . 80s, Mr. Putu Adiguna family donated the land area of ​​10 acres, is further supported by Mr. Kangen Disastra to contribute 10 acres land for a parking lot.

This noble effort followed by Mr. Kangen Disastra an architect of building on the land. This effort was supported by Mr. Putu Adiguna, Susanto, Ketut Jaya, Dharma Wijaya, and Nyoman Puja. The struggle had the support of the citizens and finally succeeded in establishing a multi-purpose building called Building Kertha Yadnya.

On 9 September 1991 upon the agreement of the citizens association Suka Duka Kertha Yadnya Baturiti turned into Kertha Yadnya Baturiti Foundation for the purpose of container social, religious, education and culture, health and non-political.

Seeing the development of existing, following discussions with leaders like Merta Ada and Dhamma Jiyoti Kassapa, obtained a description of the Buddha's teachings which at that time was not so much understood in Bali. Came the rationale for the establishment of a place of worship according to expectations of citizens.

Through discussions with YM.Girirakkhito Mahathera at Brahma Vihara Arama Banjar-Buleleng, the more clearly about Buddhism and how the establishment of places of worship.
By utilizing building Kertha Yadnya the realization Mahacetiya Dharmadana which was inaugurated May 17, 1992. In 1995, Ms. Erlina Kang Adiguna supported by Mr Putu Adiguna family prepare the land for development by purchasing the land 30 acre that was in front of the land establishment Mahacetiya Dharmadana Baturiti.

Hopefully, it would be much more activity that can be implemented for the development of mental and spiritual Buddhist Baturiti particular and Bali in general.

Attention to condition of the multipurpose building now known as Building Dhammasala Mahacetiya Dharmada-Baturiti that have aged less than 20 years, the Foundation Kertha Yadnya initiative to do a total renovation. This was done in an effort to meet the aspirations Baturiti Buddhists make Mahacetiya Dharmadana - Baturiti as the Vihara representative, to function properly, accommodating activities Baturiti Buddhism in particular and supports the Buddhist activities in Bali in general.

The restoration phase I held since 29 April 2011, with a focus multipurpose building equipped with facilities kuti Bhikkhu, Sunday school rooms, offices, and other supporting facilities. The restoration Phase II includes construction Dhammasala (meditation room), kuti Bhikkhu, gazebo and boarding people.

Last changed: Mon Apr 14, 2014 at 5:16 pm

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